How/where do I add a Pt100 temperature probe in my AVA system? There are a number of ways you can add a Pt100 temperature probe, normally used with AVA to automate a circulator (thermoregulator, e.g. Huber). Connection to circulator and PID control via circulator – recommended Physically connect the Pt100 probe to the circulator. In the AVA Apparatus window, add a circulator, and in its settings, for ‘External temperature probe connected to circulator?’, select ‘Yes’; the temperature probe will now be shown in AVA. Tr (controlling the temperature of the reactor via the external probe) is now possible. The circulator itself will be responsible for the PID control. Connection to Data Hub and PID control via AVA You can use this option if your circulator does not have a socket for a temperature probe. Physically connect the Pt100 to the Data Hub. In the AVA Apparatus window, add a circulator, and in its settings, for ‘External temperature probe connected to circulator?’, select ‘No’; then click on the pale grey outline of a temperature probe in the reactor and add a temperature probe. Tr (controlling the temperature of the reactor via the external probe) is now possible. However, rather than the circulator being responsible for its own PID, the AVA software will control it. Additional temperature probe just for monitoring You could do this if you want to monitor another temperature probe (not related to control of the circulator), such as one for a reflux divider; you can use its reading for a step override, for example. Physically connect the Pt100 to the Data Hub. In the AVA Apparatus window, use the top left zone (pale grey box) to add one temperature probe. (It is also possible to use the top right zone to add further additional temperature probes like this, if you have AVA level 4.)